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Educational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructive Change - Essay Example The USA government has put a ton in examination to better the training frameworks with the goal that i...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Educational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructive Change - Essay Example The USA government has put a ton in examination to better the training frameworks with the goal that its residents can be progressively imaginative and serious. The broad exploration has achieved numerous adjustments in the instruction division. This paper will examine the key changes that have happened in the USA arrangement of training and their effect. Furthermore, the paper will likewise take a gander at the main impetuses to the progressions concentrating on mechanical changes. The paper will likewise talk about how great initiative catalyzes instructive changes in an organization. Instructive rivalry is clear all inclusive, and all countries are anticipating making their understudies the best on the planet. The USA has made moving on from secondary school to school a national objective. The training framework and educational programs are progressively centered around guaranteeing that understudies are serious in their vocations. This is an improvement to the previous framework whereby the understudy should peruse a great deal obviously work which probably won't identify with the vocation later on (Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2007). The K12 instruction framework is planned for giving total and serious training. The necessity for school training has been raised which converts into required better perusing in secondary school levels. The quantity of instructors enlisted in each school is a lot higher when contrasted with the numbers enrolled before. The instructive foundations are progressively yearning in the sort of instructors that are selected and how they are arranged and created to meet the pre-define objective (Hargreaves, 2010). The scholarly prerequisite of administrators and educators is very high, and subsequently schools have a decent workforce to convey quality instruction. It has become required that each school has information frameworks that record instruction execution of each understudy (Razik and Swanson, 2010). Such frameworks furnish the educators with a decent impression of the understudies past

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Leanpub Serial and Continuous Publishing, by Len Epp

Leanpub Serial and Continuous Publishing, by Len Epp Sequential and ceaseless distributing, a meeting with Len Epp of Leanpub Last refreshed: 07/31/2017Serial distributing isn't new. A significant number of Dickens books were distributed sequentially. This and Eric Ries' Lean Startup approach is the thing that drove fellow benefactors Len Epp, Peter Armstrong and Scott Patten to make Leanpub. This interesting (and effective) startup has builtâ a lean distributing model where you distribute early, distribute frequently so as to assemble an audience.Our prime supporter and CEO Emmanuel chose to stop for a moment to talk with their fellow benefactor Len Epp. Press play underneath on the off chance that you need to hear an enthusiastic conversation about distributing, Dickens, serializing, book advertising, and new types of composing. Fundamentally, they're envisioning the fate of distributing, and their vision may be very precise. On the other hand, we have provided, as usual, the transcript directly beneath! Welcome to another Reedsy web recording. So today I'm glad to chat with Len Epp, Lead Customer Development and Co-Founder of Leanpub. So well Sir, great morning or great evening - relying upon any place you are. Indeed, it’s morning here on the West Coast of America.Yeah, it's night now in London, so dim! So I'm entirely eager to have you today. I've been a major Leanpub fan for some time really and think the model is very intriguing. You folks made an idea where writers can consistently distribute their books †and regardless of whether they’ve just composed the primary parts, individuals would already be able to get it. We likewise chose to do this meeting to declare that Reedsy and Leanpub will begin cooperating to help Leanpub clients make delightful spreads for their books - since it's one of the primary things to find books on Leanpub. So only for our audience members, who may not think about Leanpub, would you be able to reveal to us somewhat about yourself, and afterward about the vision for the organization and the team?So Leanpub has 3 fellow benefactors - Peter Armstrong, Scott Patten and myself. Diminish and Scott really had the thought in 2010, when Peter had composed a programming book.He’d understood that he would not like to hold up until the book was finished before he began getting it out to perusers. What's more, there were various purposes behind that, one of which was inspiration and another was network duplicate altering. Thus he inventively added a connect to an uncommon talk room that you could get to on the off chance that you purchased the book. He constructed this network of energetic devotees of his PC program †they would support him in the event that they discovered mistakes and make recommendations. What's more, it was an input circle of inspiration. Individuals were requesting the following sections, and he needed to offer it to them - and that worked truly well.So how might it work for fiction? Isnâ €™t it harder to work with your perusers to discharge new parts dependent on their feedback?Fiction is a truly fascinating application. Sequential fiction is an extremely old thought. A large number of Dickens books were distributed sequentially: The Brothers Karamazov, Wrongdoing and Punishment, 'War and Peace, and Middlemarch all began being distributed sequentially. What's more, sequential distributing was pretty much the standard. A large number of Dickens books were distributed sequentially: sequential distributing was pretty much the standard. @leanpub That opens up truly intriguing thoughts. For instance, a novel isn't a book, correct? Like we state, I composed the book, however you really composed a content. It's just a book if it's distributed in that specific configuration. For instance, on the off chance that I had the entirety of the duplicates of the considerable number of magazines wherein one of Mary Elizabeth Braden’s books were distributed, I have the novel yet I don't have the book. I additionally have the flyers that â€Å"Middlemarch† was distributed as: I don't have a book, however I have a novel. So Leanpub empowers sequential distributing so you would distribute sections as discrete books serially.Now, I think what you're getting at, which is great, is the possibility of â€Å"in-progress publishing†, which is not quite the same as sequential distributing (sequential distributing is distributing completed works in serial).Exactly.I think the main individual chipping away at a novel that way is me. Yet, that is somewhat similar to execution craftsmanship as it were, isn't that so? I figure the vast majority would think that its baffling to peruse the principal part of a novel and have the writer go, I switched it.You thought of that nonstop distributing idea and now you're concocting this thought: a book is just a book on the off chance that you choose to make your content a book. Be that as it may, in certainty perhaps individuals would prefer not to peruse a book, they need to peruse a progression of books or something that is continually evolving.I’d like to return to the way that Leanpub is for the most part for specialized journalists right now. What's more, for it to function admirably, you've coordinated Leanpub with numerous administrations, for example, GitHub, Dropbox and a couple of others. What's the extent of the writers utilizing them and how can it change the manner in which they compose their books?Most of our writers use Dropbox, less use GitHub. We have a choice on Leanpub to download what you've been really going after the e-bar, PDF or mobi groups - or every one of the 3 in the event that you want.All creators state that working with Dropbox is somewhat enchantment since when you're working through Dropbox, you have a record on your PC, and you simply press spare when need to. Furthermore, you take a shot at whatever content tool you like. And afterward, on the grounds that you're offering that record to Leanpub through Dropbox, when you need to distribute another rendition - you simply go to Leanpub and hit the distribute catch, and it's finished! There's no messaging to and fro, nothing. It just removes an enormous measure of inconvenience from the traditional process.You have likewise constructed the Leanpub proofreader where writers compose utilizing Markdown. How well known is it?For any individual who is curious about with Markdown, Markdown is an increase language or sentence structure that was created to make it sim pler to compose website pages. Thus Leanpub books are written in what we call â€Å"Leanpub enhanced Markdown†, which is basically plain content: you don't see the striking thing turn strong in the content that you're composing - anything else than you would on the off chance that you were composing on a typewriter, and it's extremely simple.And do you figure this apparatus could be received all the more extensively, outside of the tech community?I do, yet I know for a fact that for many individuals, when you reveal to them they need to discover some new information and you utilize a specialized word they're not actually hurrying to the slopes. In any case, the similarity for that is the typewriter, isn't that so? At the point when the typewriter came out, you needed to purchase and protest and figure out how to utilize it, which was time-consuming.I believe that individuals will learn Markdown, similarly that they figured out how to utilize the typewriter. The 5 minutes it w ill take you to get familiar with this better approach for composing books is way better. It will get on. It will end up being a show. Individuals will comprehend that it's better yet it will require some investment. Individuals will learn Markdown, similarly that they figured out how to utilize the typewriter. @leanpub So suppose, so I've composed my original copy and I'm distributing it with Leanpub, presently what happens?You would make a presentation page for your book with data like â€Å"about the book†, â€Å"about the author†, possibly somewhat of a mystery and afterward you would hit one catch: distribute. In the event that you've utilized our composing work process, from one source content you get each one of those ePub, PDF and mobi forms mystically made, at that point your book is available to be purchased on Leanpub.You can likewise set up factor valuing: you set a base and a recommended cost for your book and when you hit distribute it's ready to move at those costs. Perusers will see a slider at the proposed cost, however they can slide it down to the base value that you've set, or they can slide it up and pay more.Since Leanpub pays such a high eminence rate contrasted with other distributing stages, 90% less 50 pennies for each deal, the amount we pay creators is a com ponent. So underneath the slider that shows the amount you pay, it shows how much the creator is getting. This is the reason we'd see individuals following through on abnormal costs like $11.67 and we'd resemble. Truth be told, that relates to $10 to the creator. So they were taking the writer slider, What amount would I like to give the writer for this book? 10 bucks.So this variable valuing thoroughly changes the relationship with perusers: on the off chance that you go into a regular book shop, you're naturally in purchaser mode, I need to pay as little as Possible for as much as possible get. In the event that you go into a regular book shop, you're consequently in customer mode. @leanpub Be that as it may, with Leanpub and with variable evaluating, in light of the fact that it gives you a decision, out of nowhere you're settling on a choice about the amount you can stand to pay and the amount you believe it's worth. With Leanpub and variable evaluating, you settle on a choice about the amount you think a book is worth. @leanpub There are huge amounts of individuals setting up a crowdfunding effort for their distributing ventures. What's more, they're similar to, OK, I'm going to collect some cash so I can continue composing my book, and afterward produce it sooner or later. What you're doing with Leanpub is you state, Alright, I will compose the main part and I'm going to discover perusers who are truly intrigued by what I'm composing and begin bringing in cash out of my book so I can possibly contribute more for the coming sections. Do you feel like crowdfunding for books should work along these lines, and not the way Kickstarter works - where you hang tight for a considerable length of time before you can really peruse the book?I would state that with regards to composing, for most undertakings, the best activity is to make somewhat first and get it out there, and check whether you are getting consideration before you request that individuals begin giving you cash for it.At Leanpub there's where you can i nquire as to whether they'd be keen on perusing a book in the event that you composed it. It's conceivable sooner or later we'll do pre-deals, in light of the fact that pre-deals are getting very huge in distributing land. By and by, I don't figure I would need to by and by give a wri

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Impact Of Religious Settlers In Religious Times Essays -- essays r

     The places where we live today have not generally been here. The manner in which we live has not generally been the equivalent. Indeed, not many spots that existed back in the pilgrim times exist today. In the event that they despite everything exist, it is a result of the achievement increased throughout the years passed by after the pioneers went to the New World. Pioneers went to the New World looking for some things. They came looking for gold, they desired new lives, and they wanted strict opportunity. In England, during this timeframe, individuals were being judged, isolated and mistreated based on their strict convictions. There were two gatherings of individuals that were discontent with the Church. These gatherings came to be known as the Puritans and the Separatists. The Puritans are the individuals who are known to need to make changes inside the Church of England. At that point there were the Separatists, who were so disturbed with the Church of England that they simply needed out. They needed to be perceived completely separate from it. One gathering, the Separatists. â€Å" In 1609, a gathering of around 125 Separatists moved from England to Holland (a piece of the Netherlands) in light of the fact that the Dutch had an arrangement of strict tolerance.† They had the option to rehearse religion how they needed to, however they were uncomfortable with the idea of their youngsters losing their English roots as time went on. So they thought of moving to the New World. Just around 30 needed to journey to Virginia, which was an obscure land to all. The Separatists cruised from Holland in 1620. This gathering was otherwise called the Pilgrims. The travelers are generally referred to for â€Å"The First Thanksgiving† as their offertory dinner with the Native Americans. The Pilgrims objective was to build up a province â€Å" as a particular body by themselves.† And off they went for their journey across ocean, objectives located for only north of Jamestown. Shockingly, they were brushed off base, so when they at long last got a brief look at land, it was Cape Cod. It was the separatists that set up the Mayflower Compact, which was a lawful premise perceiving James I as their lord and it state â€Å" that they would shape a common body politic, which would casing such just and rise to laws to benefit all the people.† A serious understanding was made to submit to the minimal, and it was marked before anybody got off the boat. Just men marked the report since ladies of that time were not cons... ...st everybody who accept that so as to be perceived throughout everyday life, you needed to comply with the strict standards. Puritans particularly accepted that they could make changes in the Church to fit the necessities of the individuals from the network. Be that as it may, what they did was simply exacerbate things for the individuals who were at that point miserable. The Separatists remove all ties totally with the Church, since they were tired of attempting to manage its exacting standards and guidelines.      It is a direct result of individuals like Roger Williams, John Wheelwright, and Thomas Hooker that we have a portion of the religions that we have today. It is likewise the factor of the states being the place they are today. Everything that was done in the past by individuals like them, has greatly affected today’s society. It is a direct result of the individuals from an earlier time that gives the individuals the fortitude today to go to bat for what they put stock in. Without postulations individuals, we would not have the incomparable Martin Luther King, Jr., or other incredible individuals who made changes ever. We owe a lot to their fortitude and their activities, in light of the fact that without them, we might not have a portion of the spots, individuals, or thoughts that we have today.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sylvia Plath and the Language of World War II - Literature Essay Samples

The Holocaust is one of the most devastating and incomprehensible events in human memory. The systematic killing of millions of civilians and the attempted erasure of their culture defies logic, and exists outside the realm of everyday understanding. Words associated with the Holocaust or the dropping of the atomic bomb automatically summon a visceral frame of reference for anyone informed of the atrocities of World War II. Sylvia Plath’s use of Holocaust imagery as a lexicon in her poetry likens her struggles with power and suffering to the horror of mass genocide. By using such alarming language in her poetry, Plath’s writing arouses disturbing feelings of horror and confusion in the reader regardless of the overall subject matter. By associating her suffering with World War II, Plath elevates her experiences to a realm of common understanding. While the imagery of World War II is accessible to many readers, Plath’s identification with the victims of the war, particularly the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, calls into question the ethics of such usage. Some readers feel that Plath’s appropriation of the victims’ experiences is morally reprehensible and unsuitable to her medium. Critic George Steiner asked â€Å"Does any writer, does any human being other than an actual survivor, have the right to put on this death-rig?†[i] While the argument against Plath’s language is valid, the literary use of Holocaust imagery taps into a collective consciousness of the atrocities committed by the Nazi’s. In the context of Plath’s concise, tense poetry, the controversial language fits the purpose of communicating evil, suffering, and victimhood immediately. In â€Å"Daddy†, Plath writes â€Å"I began to talk like a Jew./ I think I may well be a Jew.† She uses ‘Jew†™ as a placeholder for someone without a voice, but the meaning is intensified in the socio-historical context of the Holocaust. Robert Boyers wrote that her language â€Å"does not represent a political judgment but a commitment to particular expedient categories which are functional within the poem alone. They are acceptable and functional because the poet needs to see her suffering as emblematic of a more widespread affliction and because she is able to draw upon a wealth of concrete details†¦capable of releasing tremendous rage and pity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [ii] Boyers argues that Plath’s language is an attempt to connect to the global outrage over the events of the Holocaust, and that it is acceptable because poetry does not necessarily parallel the real world. In â€Å"Lady Lazarus†, Plath references her previous suicide attempts, and makes associations between her body and the Holocaust. By associating negative, evil imagery with her own body, â€Å"A sort of walking miracle, my skin/ Bright as a Nazi lampshade†, Plath iterates a self-loathing and a desire for destruction. In the next stanza, however, her reference â€Å"My face a featureless, fine/ Jew linen.† solidifies her view of herself as an anonymous victim. She expands on the image of the empty victim as she writes â€Å"Ash, ash-/ You poke and stir./ Flesh, bone, there is nothing there/ A cake of soap,/ A wedding ring,/ A gold filling.† The violence of being burned, and of only being valued for one’s possessions, are even more extreme images associated with concentration camp prisoners. Plath is communicating the serious subject matter of suicide, and her use of Holocaust imagery is fitting because it expresses the depth of a despair difficult t o enumerate to those who have not experienced extreme mental illness. The stanzas of â€Å"Lady Lazarus† are only three lines long, and are written in short, staccato-like phrases. Plath writes in the first person to explain her experiences with suicide. â€Å"Dying/ Is an art, like everything else./ I do it exceptionally well./ I do it so it feels like hell./ I do it so it feels real.† The straightforward, unflinching language shocks the reader, and is even more uncomfortable when the reader is addressed as a Nazi doctor. â€Å"So, so Herr Doktor./ So, Herr Enemy./ I am your opus.† This assignation of identity forces the reader to participate in Plath’s despair. Her despair is not regular despair; it is connected to horror associated only with the Holocaust, and thus placed on a higher plane of suffering in the mind of the reader. Al Strangeways argues that â€Å"†¦readers are meant to feel uncomfortable with the suprapersonal, mythical depiction o f Jewish suffering, feeling somehow implicated†¦in the voyeurism such an assimilation of the Holocaust implies.†i The reader’s â€Å"implication† is part of Plath’s aim to disturb and involve the reader in her suffering. Plath connects her suffering to the Holocaust as a device to make the reader feel uneasy in the same way that the historical events of the Holocaust make people uneasy. The dissolving of boundaries between one’s personal life and historical events is most present in Plath’s poem â€Å"Daddy†. Plath oscillates between competing visions of adoration and fear of a patriarchal figure, using Nazi imagery to describe him, such as â€Å"And your neat mustache/ And your Aryan eye, bright blue.† The overall tone is violent and unstable, as if the poem itself (or Plath) could fall apart at any moment. The speaker not only desires to kill the father, â€Å"Daddy, I have had to kill you./ You died before I had time† and â€Å"There’s a stake in your fat black heart†, but she also references her own suicidal urges when she states, â€Å"At twenty I tried to die/ And get back, back, back to you.† The violent imagery is an expression of her mental illness, yet by associating the father figure with a Nazi, the depth of the speaker’s anger feels warranted to the reader. Boyers again iterates that Plathâ €™s identification with the Jewish victim is justified, stating â€Å"In â€Å"Daddy†, the poet feels that the common language is simply inadequate for any reasonable communication of her needs.†ii Plath necessitated the appropriation of Holocaust imagery in order to fully convey her experiences. The paradox of the father figure emphasizes a sense of confusion that permeates the poem. The speaker desires to reconnect with the father, â€Å"I used to pray to recover you†, and searches for his ancestral roots. Unable to do so, the speaker writes, â€Å"I made a model of you,/ A man in black with a Meinkampf look/ And a love of the rack and the screw/ And I said I do, I do.† The speaker was unable to reach the unattainable Daddy, and thus married the most similar man she could find. However, the speaker still retains an intense hatred for the father figure, comparing him to a fascist, a devil, and a vampire. The resulting image of Daddy, a person meant t o be a loving parent, is contradictory and uncomfortable. Plath struggles to define Daddy or the â€Å"model† of him, just as people do not understand how an event like the Holocaust could occur. The confusion Plath expresses, â€Å"The tongue stuck in my jaw./ It stuck in a barb wire snare./ Ich, ich, ich, ich,/ I could hardly speak./ I thought every German was you† is similar to the confusion surrounding the Holocaust, and the inability of writers to put such an atrocity into words. In both â€Å"Lady Lazarus† and â€Å"Daddy†, Plath attempts to change the power dynamic and to subvert the figure she is struggling against. The enemy in â€Å"Lady Lazarus† is the â€Å"Herr Doktor† and â€Å"Herr God, Herr Lucifer† that values her for her body and is also disturbingly associated with the reader. At the end of the poem, Plath warns the vague enemy, â€Å"Beware/ Beware./ Out of the ash/ I rise with my red hair/ And I eat men like air.† Plath defies a violent death and vows to return and consume the men who have committed injustices. The speaker of the poem not only enacts revenge for her suffering, but also assumes the role of power by physically ingesting the men and making them a part of her body. The reconfiguring of the narrative of victimhood associates the Jewish Holocaust victims with a spirit of vengeance that is easy for a reader to imagine. As is previously stated, â€Å"Daddy† expresses a desire to kill th e father figure in order to be freed from it. However, â€Å"Daddy† lacks the strong resolution of â€Å"Lady Lazarus†, ending instead with a resignation and a vow to no longer be involved in the dysfunctional relationship. â€Å"And the villagers never liked you†¦They always knew it was you./ Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through.† By removing herself from the chaotic dynamic surrounding Daddy, Plath destroys the structure that allows it to exist in the first place; she no longer acquiesces to be a victim of Daddy’s machinations, and thus his power is gone. The removal of oneself from the situation is a more temperate solution than killing Daddy, as she desires to do, yet feels less resolved and earnest than the bluntness of â€Å"Lady Lazarus†. Sylvia Plath’s late poetry is marked by struggles with her own personal demons, and the inability to understand the root of her suffering. She searches for resolution and explanation th rough language and writing; her use of Holocaust imagery is an attempt to express her thoughts with a depth that readers will emotionally respond to themselves. Though unsettling and controversial, Plath’s use of a historical event is appropriate, as her writing exists in the realm of literature rather than reality; she does not attempt to convey fact. In reference to â€Å"Daddy†, Matthew Boswell wrote â€Å"The world of the poem- a kind of hell peopled by vampires, devils, and perpetrators, a world where the speaker cannot even die- thus enable the coming-into-being of fictional, mythical, transhistorical, and intergenerational identities that testify to the continuing presence of past atrocities in oblique and unsettling ways.†[iii] Poetry allows Plath to experiment with the possible reactions, associations, and identifications that a reader associates with the Holocaust, in a way that does not impede on the historical narrative of World War II. Rather, she c reates a disturbing realm of contemplation exploring how the injustices suffered by the Jewish victims can be translated to other types of experiences. Works cited [i] Strangeways, Al. The Boot in the Face: The Problem of the Holocaust in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath. Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Jeffrey W. Hunter and Deborah A. Schmitt, vol. 111, Gale, 1999. Contemporary Literary Criticism Online, go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=LCOsw=wu=viva_wmv=2.1id=WIOATZ448266561it=rasid=e89c077b5e25142d32c7f341e5e304d7. Accessed 29 Oct. 2016. Originally published in Contemporary Literature, vol. 37, no. 3, Fall 1996, pp. 370-390. [ii] Boyers, Robert. Sylvia Plath: The Trepanned Veteran. Poetry Criticism, edited by Robyn V. Young, vol. 1, Gale, 1991. Poetry Criticism Online, go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=LCOsw=wu=viva_wmv=2.1id=KQOBMK586019060it=rasid=271b505d1aa2865c3ebc8169dba14e37. Accessed 29 Oct. 2016. Originally published in The Centennial Review, vol. 13, no. 2, Spring 1969, pp. 138-153. [iii] Boswell, Matthew. â€Å"Holocaust Literature and the Taboo.† The Bloomsbury Companion to Holocaust Literature, edited by Jenni Adams. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. Print.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Representation Of The Female Body Image And The Mass Media

REPRESENTATION OF HOW WOMEN PROMOTE EXCERSISE IN NEW ZEALAND MEDIA AND HOW IT AFFECTS FEMALES Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard Representation of women in the media can change the way that the people of New Zealander’s think of themselves. Media has a powerful ability to reach many people and to influence and direct attitudes of our country’s behaviours and knowledge. - Magazines (the representation of kiwi identity they create) The cover of a magazine is said to be its most important feature. It’s the cover that hooks people into purchasing it. Firstly because the thing they notice is a bold beautiful woman posing and blowing a kiss or towards you or another pose somewhat similar. Then the next step to hooking you in is the subheadings placed around the woman. â€Å"Get the body you’ve always wanted† or â€Å"fast fat burner work out† the media knows what women want now days. For example some images presented in exercise magazines include a photograph of a teen/woman slouched on a sofa with pizza and a television remote in her hand, representing the ‘fat’ side of the argument, which then you look onto the next page and you see two girls with a bikini on riding skateboards These girls are obviously older than the average 16 year old intended reader, and the girls are both smiling which would suggest that their form of exercise is not only good for you but great fun a s well. Young people reading, or evenShow MoreRelatedMedia s Effect On Teens986 Words   |  4 PagesThe American media industry generates approximately 600 billion dollars annually through its programming and advertisements. The economic system of the United States and tough market competition have led to a massive media boom, and being the largest industry in the United States in terms of revenue, The media have been successful in corrupting people’s mind, with young teens being the largest group of victims. In the current situation, our economic, social and political decisions are widely beingRead MoreSocial Construction And Its Impact On Society Essay1323 Words   |  6 Pagesdigital media is one of the primary sources for the creation of social constructions and is now considered the primary account regarding matters connected to mass media. However, it is essential to comprehend that, throughout mass media, individuals commonly referred to as â€Å"media gatekeepersà ¢â‚¬  now present the collective societal groups in an inaccurate depiction. Although these societal groups are presented throughout multiple arrays in society, it is through the immediate proliferation of mass mediaRead MoreVisual images Reinforce Traditional Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes948 Words   |  4 PagesVisual images reinforce traditional gender and sexuality stereotypes through the manifestation of the masculine and feminine miens. An examination of print media advertisements highlights the social and cultural ideologies associated with traditional gender roles that are expected and imposed on by society. â€Å"Advertisements are deeply woven into the fabric of Western Culture, drawing on and reinforcing commonly held perceptions and beliefs† of gender and sexuality stereotypes. They have a strongRead MoreGender Essay in Art.1537 Words   |  7 Pagestowards gender, being mediated. Yasumasa Morimura appropriated historical works through the applications of modern technology and questioning the female gender. Morimura also has a scrutiny approach to determine if these historic masterpieces are appropriate in the period of mass media, innovating technology, mass production and growing female deliverance. As he contemplates that the â€Å"East meets west in my work, but I haven’t made an attempt to merge the two worlds. They exist in opposition†Read MoreThe Between Media And Body Image1348 Words   |  6 Pagesby the society and by the media. But women are affected that kind of construction. Mass media give narrow definition about the standard of beauty. Delis noticed this massage everywhere, especially in the media, â€Å"I am so affected by Glamour magazine and Vogue and all that; I’m looking at all these beautiful women. They’re thin. I want to be just as beautiful. I want to be just as thin. Because that is what guys like† (Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy 12). The media representation of the thin ideal has beenRead MoreWomen s Media And Gender Roles1492 Words   |  6 Pagesin society through the media. Mass media are a reflection of society informed by particular power and values (Stirinati, 2006). Although the representation of women is not a copy of reality, mass media act as image and message,’ should be’ a reflection or representation of society (Hollows, 2000). This contributes to condemn gender role in the media and in real society, which leads women to be annihilated and limited in the media. In 1978, Gaye Tuchman called womenâ €™s in media situation ‘symbolic annihilation’Read MoreCertain Groups Being Incorrectly Portrayed in Media767 Words   |  3 Pagescurrent issue involving certain groups being incorrectly portrayed in media, it is important to first understand exactly what mass media is. There are a variety of technical definitions for the term â€Å"mass media.† According to Britannica, â€Å"Media is used to pass on information to many people in a society† (â€Å"Media†). Merriam-Wenster claims media is a â€Å"mean of communication that is designed to reach the mass of the people† (â€Å"Mass Medium†). Recently, a spike of innovations has led to an increase of possibleRead MoreMedia s Impact On Media Consumption Essay1729 Words   |  7 Pagesaccess an infinite amount of resources on the internet, 24 hours a day 7 days a week (XXXX). The rapid technological advancements has shifted the consumption of media from television, magazines and billb oards to online digital media channels accessed via mobile devices, creating a ‘bedroom culture’ (Sumner, 2016) for many. The shift in media consumption has particularly been induced by the emergence of Social Networking Sites as well as other online platforms, which have become an integral part ofRead MoreAssessment of the View That Mass Media Perpetuates Stereotypes of Gender1265 Words   |  6 PagesAssessment of the View That Mass Media Perpetuates Stereotypes of Gender In this essay I will be writing about the way in which the mass media reinforces the idea of stereotypes of gender. The mass media has existed for many hundreds of years, and its role is to socialise us into different stereotypes such as Gender and Race. Gender is perhaps the basic category we use for sorting human beings. Essential ideas that we get about our own identity’s come from someone else’s Read MoreThe Effects Of Advertising On Our Young Girls And Women1363 Words   |  6 Pagesjust buy products. â€Å"These media messages link thinness with love and happiness, often solely in terms of having the right body to attract the opposite sex† (Hesse-Biber 770). Women and girls of all ages are buying into an idea that is detrimental to their self worth, personal identity, and physical and mental health. Women would not be buying into these ideas if it were not for the men perpetuating them and forcing these stereotypes and unrealistic ideals onto women. Females in our society are gleaning

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Willy Lomans Distorted Values in Arthur Miller’s Death...

Willy Lomans Distorted Values in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman Willy Loman, the central character in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, is a man whose fall from the top of the capitalistic totem pole results in a resounding crash, both literally and metaphorically. As a man immersed in the memories of the past and controlled by his fears of the future, Willy Loman views himself as a victim of bad luck, bearing little blame for his interminable pitfalls. However, it was not an ill-fated destiny that drove Willy to devastate his own life as well as the lives of those he loved; it was his distorted set of values. If Willy Loman had valued acceptance over popularity, individuality over conformity and devotion over†¦show more content†¦After all, he had not managed to obtain it and neither had his sons. Yet if Willy had loved his sons unconditionally instead of doling out his love in accordance with his their successes, he might not have felt like such a failure himself, because if nothing else, he would have been a success as a father. Willy Loman could honestly take no pride in the values he had instilled in his two sons. Case in point: As he preaches that likeability, above all, is the ultimate goal of mankind, he neglects to qualify his statements by adding that one should be liked for being himself, not by adapting like a chameleon to whatever the surrounding circumstances dictate. The following passage superbly demonstrates Willy’s twisted perceptions of what it means to succeed in life. WILLY: Thats just what I mean, Bernard can get the best marks in school, yunderstand, but when he gets out in the business world, yunderstand, you are going to be five times ahead of him. Thats why I thank Almighty God youre both built like Adonises. Because the men who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. You take me for instance, I never have to wait in line to see a buyer. Willy Loman is here! Thats all they have to know, and I go right through (p. 33). Perhaps Willy’s philosophy that charm, popularity andShow MoreRelatedWilly Loman And The American Dream Analysis1075 Words   |  5 PagesDream In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, Willy Lomans pursuit of the American Dream is characterized by his selfishness, demonstrating how the American Dream can subtly turn into the American Nightmare. However, Willy’s role is quite important because he often led to failure through the creation of the American Dream and the real world. To fully understand the storyline of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman, one must evaluate each member of the Loman family. 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Transportation and Distribution Management †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Transportation and Distribution Management. Answer: Introduction The concept of transportation and distribution is defined as the movement of people, animal, raw materials and the finished goods. The business organizations with the help of distribution and transportation channel move their products from one place to another such as from warehouse to the end customers. The major modes of transportation used by the business organizations include space, road, rail, vehicles, cable, and pipeline (Su et al., 2012). Therefore, the significant features of distribution and transportation include effective management of infrastructure, organizational operations, employees and the vehicles used for distribution. The delivery of raw materials and finished goods at the accurate time to the target customers ensures successful distribution and transportation. This report introduces the effectiveness of the distribution and transportation with respect to the goals and objectives of Nestle. Nestle was established in 1866 in Switzerland and is one of the globally recognized Health, Wellness and Nutrition Company that promotes healthy living for the people. Nestle has made the successful international venture in countries such as Asia, United Kingdom, United States and Canada since its origin. Good Food, Good Life is the mission of the company due to which the company aim towards providing highly nutritious beverage and food to the target customers globally. Nestle sells a wide range of products that include confectionary, pet care food, chocolate, meals, desserts, beverages, ice creams, coffee, and wafers. In 2015, Nestle generated 9.066 billion as the annual revenue that is comparatively lower than the profit generated in 2014. In 2014, Nestle generated approximately 14.456 billion ("Nestle", 2017) In 2013, Nestle was ranked as one of the companies in the top 10 within the cultural category. This is due to the immense popularity and admiration of the company among the target customers globally. The company has always aimed towards enhancing the quality of life of the customers by providing them with highly nutritious and healthy food. The company aim towards caring and helping the family of the customers. Thus, the principal aim of Nestle is to encourage and support people in leading a healthy life. Respect is one of the core values that Nestle follows while conducting the business. Nestle believes in respecting their customers, the surrounding business culture, environment, customers, future generation, and diversity. Mars, Danone, Cadbury and Mondelez International Inc are the potential competitors of Nestle ("Nestle", 2017). Incoterms Selection Consideration Level strategy is implemented by Nestle for appropriate conduction of planning and production. According to the concept of the approach, the company emphasizes to develop values for the target customers along with exploring the core competencies thereby, achieving the competitive advantages. The strategies and decisions used in managing the distribution and transportation aim towards establishing a strong customer relationship thereby, gaining competitive advantage. The incoterms follows the international commercial terms that is applicable for the importer and the exporter during transaction. Additionally, the incoterms monitors the action of the stakeholders in order to ensure risk management and responsibility (Zheng et al., 2014). Keeping in mind the requirement of environment sustainability, Nestle has designed and developed their transportation and distribution process. The main features of the distribution and transportation process of Nestle include: Using the available distribution networks and the operating routes of Nestle in the most effective manner In order to gain the ability to handle both safety and environmental issues by training the driver extensively For enhancing the transportation options, Nestle aim towards exploring the various opportunities by cleverly selecting the modes of transportation as well as using fuels that are less harmful to the environment (Moradijoz et al., 2013) Nestle aims towards effectively using the resources of the company by decreasing the rate of empty transportation of the trucks, evaluating the distribution of strategic network and maximizing the use of vehicles for distribution and transportation. Effective management of the operations is one of the ongoing processes conducted by Nestle for optimizing distribution and transportation. Keeping in mind the significance of sustainable business approach, Nestle is emphasizing towards restricting the use of traditional modes of transportation from road to rail or short-sea freight (Cui et al., 2012). Therefore, Nestle is facilitating the use of natural gases for the transportation vehicles rather than using fossil fuels. This initiative will help Nestle in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases thereby, controlling the adverse environmental impact. For the warehouses, Nestle is emphasizing towards selecting an alternative source of renewable energy by decreasing the energy consumption rate. In order to ensure reduced the adverse environmental impact, it is important that Nestle generates and implements unique and advanced technologies for distribution and transportation channel (Tsao Lu, 2012). Carrier Selection Criteria Considering the adverse impact of transportation on the environment, Nestle has opted for carrier transportation of the finished products and the raw materials. Maximizing the transportation efficiency, minimizing the transportation cost and the reducing the emission of greenhouse gases are the major factors that influenced the carrier selection process of Nestle. Therefore, the importance of the above-mentioned factors in determining the carrier selection for distribution and transportation by Nestle is stated below: Fleet vehicles: Nestle has been using various advanced technologies in terms of freezing cabinets in the trucks that are used for distribution and transportation. The use of advanced technologies in the carriers is an initiative undertaken by Nestle to maximize the transportation efficiency (Leou, Su Lu, 2014). Nestle has installed eutectic freezing plates in the range of trucks used by them for the purpose of transportation. The trucks remain cool overnight due to the installation of the eutectic plate while they are stationed in the distribution centers overnight. More than 1500 trucks with eutectic freezing plate are being used by Nestle for transporting, delivering and distributing Nestle products such as ice creams and pizzas to the distribution centers, retail outlets, and the target customers. Nestle has also installed Telematics in order to reduce the idling time of the trucks. The report suggests that in the past two years nearly 32% of the idling time of the trucks has bee n reduced due to the installation of Telematics (Amini Islam, 2014). As a result, nearly 250,000 gallons of fuels have been saved. Nestle has also emphasized in training the drivers to enhance the efficiency of the environmental and safety programs for the drivers. Nestle also puts 30% weight on the reliability of the carrier as the organization prefers consistent, trustworthy and quality while shipping the products. This provides an opportunity for the organization to create positive value and relationship with the customers. Nestle transports superior quality products to more than 60000 retail outlets that can be challenging if the company uses unreliable carrier resources. Additionally, unreliable carrier selection can delay the production and exportation of the Nestle products. Therefore, Nestle ensures that the carrier selected by the organization is reliable and trustworthy that will help in fast delivery of products to the customers at the right time. Reliable exportation also helps in increasing the level of customer satisfaction (Profillidis, 2014) Nestle puts almost 20% weight age on the technical capabilities of the carrier selected. Keeping in mind technical capabilities of the carrier, Nestle emphasizes on system that has appropriate skilled personnel, safe shipment and maintenance of the quality of the product. International transportation is more prone to risks due to various factors such as pace, quality and customers satisfaction. Moreover, Nestle also abides with the environmental conservation policies and implement a sustainable carrier system in order to achieve global standards. Therefore, Nestle needs to use a transport system that has state-of-the-art communication thereby, ensuring continuous shipment follow-up (Caiazzo et al., 2013). Nestle places 30% weight on the transit time while selecting the carrier system for distribution and transportation. The transport management of Nestle emphasizes on delivering the products in the minimum time possible in order to accomplish the core value of the fastest production. The main competitive advantage of Nestle is their capability to products hygienic product faster compared to the competitors in the market. Additionally, while shipping the products, Nestle also needs to consider the new strategies in the market within the minimum time possible. This will provide an opportunity sufficient sales time before introducing the new production batch. Nestle primarily uses air transport due to which the company has procured jets along with cargo planes. This ensured faster shipment of products for Nestle (Amini Islam, 2014). Carrier Relationship Management Partnership with relevant stakeholders determines the success of the international transportation. It is a mutual relationship with the business and the carrier that involves a mutual agreement with the customer duty individual, freight, local distributors and the purchase insurance. The main aim of Nestle is to create positive relationship with the associated stakeholders that are involved in shipping. Therefore, the company implements all the possible methods for ensuring healthy relationships with the carriers. The company believes in maintaining healthy relationship with the carriers both imports and exports that can achieved through adequate implementation of payments and regulations. Additionally, Nestle has positive relationship with airfreights and insurers that has values in terms of customers satisfaction and service delivery. Nestle prefers in maintaining a honest and continuous communication with transport and distribution partners thereby, helping in mitigating the possibility of misunderstandings and maximizing trust and reliability. With the recent technological advancements, Nestle shares important and crucial information with the partners that includes freight data and evaluation of the shipment. This provides an opportunity for Nestle to recognize the possibility of cost cutting and transport intelligence within a given time duration. Nestle also implements and follows full web-based communication system due to which the carriers are able to access relevant data such as freight bill, airway bill and loading bill easily (Hirsch, 2013). Nestle believes in respecting the objectives of the transport and distribution partners and ensures that they do not underestimate their goals or limit their opportunities. Nestle believes in upholding the satisfaction level of the distribution and transport partners just like their customers (Lee, Thomas Brown, 2013). Additionally, Nestle has an expert team that are solely responsible for communicating, negotiating and maintaining positive relationship with their transport and distribution partners. On the other hand, the selection of the appropriate carrier also determines the carrier relationship management. This is because the nature and objectives of the partners also determines the success of the business. Considering this, Nestle selects carriers by keeping in mind the goals and objectives of their transport partners (Arnas, Holmstrom Kalantari, 2013). Recommended Incoterms used by Nestle Keeping in mind the various kinds of customers Nestle has, the selection of incoterms will vary accordingly. Therefore, based on the type of the customers, the incoterms for shipping the Nestle products are selected. The retail store customers are considered as one of type of customers. Thus, Nestle spends shipment cost for the respective stores and is suggested to use Delivery Duty Paid in the case. Under DDP, Nestle will responsible for the delivery costs in the retail outlets. Additionally, more money needs to be paid to the customs from import and export facilities along with considering the risk of loss until the product reaches the retail outlet (Ruiz, 2012). Nestle must consider using Free on Board as it shall enable the company to deliver the goods on board the vessel as per the nominations of the buyer at the specific port of shipment or procures the goods already so delivered. In this situation, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel, and the buyer bears all costs from that moment onwards (Bowker et al., 2015). Therefore, it is recommended that Nestle must continue using Free on Board incoterm in order to save costs and reduce the risk involved. Another incoterm recommended for Nestle is EXW (Ex Works). In this case, the buyer is required to pay for everything. The buyer hires a forwarder for the airfreight and destination services. In this case, the buyer also pays for the transportation from the suppliers warehouse to the port, customs clearance, handling charges, and other costs that may occur. This incoterm provides the buyer additional control over the shipping but also involves extra costs in tracking the activities at the origin. The Cost and Freight (CFR) incoterm is also recommended for Nestle considering because of their online customers. According to CFR, Nestle will be solely responsible for cleaning the products for export along with delivering the product for railway shipment port and paying the required charges. The implementation of this incoterm will enable Nestle to ensure that the delivery is free of obligation. This will provide an opportunity for Nestle to establish effective relationship with the online customers and ensure brand awareness. However, on the contrary, this incoterm places the associated risks on the buyer. Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) incoterms can also be used by Nestle. According to this approach, the seller or the exporter is solely responsible for delivering the goods onto the vessels along with clearing the customs in the country. In this case, Nestle will be responsible for buying the insurance in collaboration with the importer that act as the beneficiary. The risk is transferred to the buyer once the products are shipped on to the carrier. The use of this incoterm is recommended for Nestle, as the risk is transferred to the importer thereby, compensating with the financial loss. It is also recommended that Nestle use incoterms such as Delivered At Frontier (2000), Delivered Ex Ship (DES) and Carriage Paid To (CPT). This is because the use of the aforementioned incoterms will allow Nestle to deliver goods to other countries with the help of importers and saving the risk of distribution and transportation. Conclusion In this report, it can be concluded that distribution and transportation is a significant function in international trade, as it involves various types of regulations, partnerships and costs. A global company like Nestle has to make decisions that sticks to their core business values along with maintaining with the international standards and customer demands. Nestle implements international commercial terms or incotems for delivering their raw materials and finished products to more than 600 outlets in various countries internationally. Therefore, while shipping their products to the international markets, Nestle uses Delivery Duty Paid (DDP), Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Cost and Freight (CFR). Appropriate transit time, reliability and speed are the primary goals that Nestle considers while selecting the carrier for transportation and distribution. However, geographical locations and technical capabilities are also considered by Nestle while selecting the carrier. Air carr ier is primarily used by Nestle for transportation and distribution. Nestle aim towards managing the relationship with their carrier partners. Nestle uses ethical negotiation standards as the main approach for managing carrier relationships thereby, upholding accountability, integrity, transparency and respect. Nestle also ensures that constant communication with the transportation and distribution partners are maintained by using latest technologies. References Amini, M. H., Islam, A. (2014, February). Allocation of electric vehicles' parking lots in distribution network. In Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2014 IEEE PES (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Arns, P. O., Holmstrm, J., Kalantari, J. (2013). In-transit services and hybrid shipment control: The use of smart goods in transportation networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 36, 231-244. Bowker, J. A., Townsend, N. C., Tan, M., Shenoi, R. A. (2015, May). Experimental study of a wave energy scavenging system onboard autonomous surface vessels (ASVs). In OCEANS 2015-Genova (pp. 1-9). IEEE. Caiazzo, F., Ashok, A., Waitz, I. A., Yim, S. H., Barrett, S. R. (2013). Air pollution and early deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the impact of major sectors in 2005. Atmospheric Environment, 79, 198-208. Cui, X., Kim, H. K., Liu, C., Kao, S. C., Bhaduri, B. L. (2012). Simulating the household plug-in hybrid electric vehicle distribution and its electric distribution network impacts. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17(7), 548-554. Hirsch, P. (2013). Minimizing empty truck loads in round timber transport with tabu search strategies. In Management Innovations for Intelligent Supply Chains (pp. 97-122). IGI Global. Lee, D. Y., Thomas, V. M., Brown, M. A. (2013). Electric urban delivery trucks: Energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost-effectiveness. Environmental science technology, 47(14), 8022-8030. Leou, R. C., Su, C. L., Lu, C. N. (2014). Stochastic analyses of electric vehicle charging impacts on distribution network. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(3), 1055-1063. Moradijoz, M., Moghaddam, M. P., Haghifam, M. R., Alishahi, E. (2013). A multi-objective optimization problem for allocating parking lots in a distribution network. International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems, 46, 115-122. Nestle. (2017). Nestle.com. Retrieved 10 November 2017, from https://www.nestle.com/aboutus Nestle. (2017). Nestle.com. Retrieved 10 November 2017, from https://www.nestle.com/stories#/category/featured-stories/1 Profillidis, V. A. (2014). Railway management and engineering. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Ruiz, V. (2012). Analysis of existing refrigeration plants onboard fishing vessels and improvement possibilities. In Second International Symposium on fishing vessel Energy Efficiency. Su, W., Eichi, H., Zeng, W., Chow, M. Y. (2012). A survey on the electrification of transportation in a smart grid environment. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 8(1), 1-10. Tsao, Y. C., Lu, J. C. (2012). A supply chain network design considering transportation cost discounts. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48(2), 401-414. Zheng, Y., Dong, Z. Y., Xu, Y., Meng, K., Zhao, J. H., Qiu, J. (2014). Electric vehicle battery charging/swap stations in distribution systems: comparison study and optimal planning. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(1), 221-229. Transportation And Distribution Management – MyAssignmenthelp.com Question: Discuss about the Transportation And Distribution Management. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the study is to carry out a detailed transportation and development service including incoterm analysis. In order to do so, Uniqlo Co. Ltd., the Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and the retailer has been selected for the case study. Transportation management deals with the moving products and requires the detailed analysis of the operational activities. The number of companies in the logistic industry is increasing that calls for better initiatives to be taken by the existing logistic companies (McKinnon, 2014). An analysis of the various approaches of the transportation and development management shall be carried on here. On the basis of analysis, certain recommendations can be made as well. Overview of the organization: The wholly owned subsidiary fashion retail company is headquartered at Minato, Tokyo in Japan. The company deals in clothing and has notable stores in Australia, Canada, China, France, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, UK, USA and others. The company started its business by outsourcing their clothing to the factories in China were the labour are cheap when Japan was facing recession. In order to ensure better product design and quality of goods, the company believes in fast retailing and so carries out its international trade. The current distribution strategy is more likely from China, US and Mexico (Uniqlo.com, 2017). The company has warehouses and inventories in all these places that help them to be more responsive towards the demand of the market. The company always looks for reasonable shipping for the supply of their products. The company also has online shopping option that automatically increased the importance of transportation and distribution of the clothing products. Incoterms selection consideration: Incoterms include set of international rules for the sale and purchase contracts in order to make the global trade easier and also help the partners to understand each other. As commented by Leong, (2014), these terms definitely include price, quantity as well as the characteristics of the goods that are to be supplied by the particular company. The incoterms that are practiced in the regions of Singapore and other areas of operation shall be discussed in this report (Zllner, 2015). Different modes of incoterms based on the type of payment done in the complete process include the following: EX-Works: Here, the seller makes the goods available to the buyers and the buyer is responsible for the entire transportation cost. The seller also accepts the risk of loss of good till the goods are delivered to the buyers. Free alongside ship, Free carrier and Free on board: in this means of service, the responsibility of the sellers is only limited to send the goods to the transportation point from where the buyers will collect. This clears the responsibility of the seller further (Lee et al., 2016). Cost and freight; cost, insurance and freights: In this form of logistic service, the goods are not insured by the sellers and the buyers have to take the responsibility of the bearing the cost of loading and unloading the goods. Delivered at frontier; delivered ex-ship: In this form, the seller is responsible to deliver the goods directly to the named destination. The seller is completely responsible for the loss or risk of the goods. Uniqlo operates in more than 1,000 stores worldwide and employ different strategies in its business model to manage the distribution of its products. For the distribution of the goods in the domestic market, the organization uses the local distribution channels and the companies. For the international trading, the company surely has to depend on land, air and water transport for the purpose of transporting their products and goods. It has been found that Uniqlo uses delivered at frontier form of shipping and transportation in order to transport the goods and products of the company. The mode of payment for the specific incoterm: The company has been carrying out the incoterm activities in for of almost all types of incoterms considering the need of the logistics and delivery services. There is involvement of any third parties as well that help to deliver the goods in the right places. Keeping the present situation into consideration, it can be said that the Ex-works incoterms could be the best possible means of incoterm that this company can adopt for the delivery of the products in domestic and international places. In such cases, the risk of the sellers is minimized and the buyers are more responsible ranging from loading the goods to reaching it out to the consumers (Coetzee, 2013). Thus, the responsibility and the cost of delivering will be reduced as well and the company will be in profit. In such cases, the export reporting and clearance process will be easier and the seller will be less responsible towards the entire transaction process. Carrier selection criteria: Reading Stapleton, Pande and O'Brien, (2014), it has been found that there are a number of carrier selection criteria that are adopted by the major exporters or a logistic company. These are as follows: Arms Length Relationship: The type of transaction relationship transaction that lasts only for a single transaction between two parties and the companies have no future commitments is called the Arms Length Relationship. Type I Partnership: In this process, the companies get involved in a commitment and relationship with each other, and a short term contractual relationship is built between them that automatically requires a little investment to be made (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). However, both the parties have limited scope of activities to be carried on with each other. Type II Partnership: The kind of partnership that are meant to last longer and requires the investment from both the parties in order to gain a status of preferred supplier. In this process, effort is made from both the end related to reducing the cost and expenditure involved in the shipping process. Type III Partnership: The type of relationship that does not depend on a formal contract or mechanism and the contract can be referred as evergreen is the partnership of type III. The assets can be jointly owned and can be shared substantially. The success or the failure of the relationship will have great impact on the higher executives (Okdinawati, Simatupang Sunitiyoso, 2014). The scope of the activities to be shared is substantial and requires huge investment from both the parties involved. From the above findings, it can be said that Uniqlo has been operating in the market and needs the support of logistic companies for the transportation and it has good reputation with its partners. For maintaining a long term relationship with the other partners, Partnership I or Partnership II can be the most preferable form of partnership that the company can make. As pointed out by Crainic and Laporte, (2016), when the company is responsible for carrying out huge capacity of carriers and requires the movement in a timely manner. The companies need to have enough resources, equipment and the human power to operate in the particular industry. For the same reason, Partnership I or II could be the best possible means of viable partnership that the company can adopt as a viable means. In this respect, Ross, (2015) commented that there are other benefits of getting into Partnership I and II forms. For instance, the companies in contract can make investment in the technology or the means of distribution to the buyers and the cost can be incurred in a mutual way. This way, the complete process will be carried on systematically starting from packaging to delivering the product from the seller to the buyer. Since, Uniqlo is responsible for the supply and distribution of clothing and other retail products, it is expected that the company should consider partnership I or II for providing better services to the customers. Carrier relationship management: The major goals and objectives of Uniqlo can be considered to think of better management in terms of its costs, customer services, industry awareness and continuous improvement. It is needless to say that without carrier relationship management, the survival of the clothing company like Uniqlo would not be possible (Tseng Hung, 2014). Carrier link will provide long term relationship that is most important in a competitive market situation. In this respect, three most important carrier relationship management criteria can be mentioned here. Offering reliability: The service that Uniqlo provides has to be reliable enough that the consumers can trust on the company for the delivery services this company is responsible for. In the age of online shopping, the importance of delivering goods on time has become crucial than ever. As stated by Wensveen, (2016), the service should be focused on delivering the goods on time, offering zero damage delivery with the accurate invoice of the product. In fact, the third party service should consistently meet the next level of shipping and delivering the product. This way, the company can be able to uncover the further costs and savings that the company might incure in order to provide improve carrier operations. Responsiveness: The service provided by Uniqlo should show the responsiveness towards the customers that would lead to better reputation of the company and help to increase the market share. In order to do so, dash revealed that tailored services can be offered to the customers that would automatically increase the cost of delivering that would add to the buyers end (Jiang Mahmassani, 2014). Being responsiveness towards the customers can also improve the relationship with the customers that can be easily considered as one of the vital components business. Innovation services: The logistic service is highly depended on the innovative and technological approach made by a company. The innovative management would include the inventory management, information system, billing and collection of the money from both the buyers and the sellers. With better innovative approach, the company would be able to accelerate the means of serving people and the overall cost can also be decreased. As mentioned by Tsao, Zhang and Chen, (2016), these approaches can be made easily in order to improve the overall management activities of the transportation and logistics services. For this purpose, it is highly recommended to use the Type III Partnership that is based on a consistency between the sellers and the buyers. Apart from these benefits, the money can also be directly collected through bank accounts because at many times it is observed that the exporters do not sign the financial contracts and the money that is paid to them goes missing (Tseng Hung, 2014). In addition to this, it can be said that by this way, the objectives and the goals of the mentioned company can be fulfilled. In order to get high return of the investment, it is expected that company would undertake these approaches that would bring prosperity in terms of both economy and reputation. Conclusion: A detailed analysis has been carried out on the transportation and distribution management and incoterm analysis. Uniqlo had been selected for the process of analysis. It has been found that the organization operates globally and has clear goals and objectives of expanding its business in the major areas where it operates. Considering the incoterm selection, it has been found that Ex-Works is the best suitable form of incoterm that the organization can adapt. It is important to include innovative means of carrying out the incoterm activity that would help the organization to increase its market share and improve its relationship with the customers. Recommendations: To recommend further, it can be said that the company should focus on the transportation service and try to deliver the products as early as possible. In order to do so, apart from partner shipping with the other logistic companies, Uniqlo should also make partnership with the innovative companies that provide robot service to reach out the customers. In doing so, the uniqueness of the company will go high and it can easily attract more consumers. Moreover, the reliability of the service would increase that would lead to the increasing demand of the goods and products of Uniqlo. References: Coetzee, J. (2013). 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The possible influence of the shipper on carbon emissions from deep-sea container supply chains: An empirical analysis.Maritime Economics Logistics,16(1), 1-19. Okdinawati, L., Simatupang, T. M., Sunitiyoso, Y. (2014). A behavioral multi-agent model for collaborative transportation management (CTM).Proceedings of T-LOG,62. Ross, D. F. (2015).Distribution Planning and control: managing in the era of supply chain management. Springer. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2014).The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Stapleton, D. M., Pande, V., O'Brien, D. (2014). EXW, FOB OR FCA? Choosing the right Incoterm and why it matters to maritime shippers.Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics, and Policy,81(3), 227. Tsao, Y. C., Zhang, Q., Chen, T. H. (2016). Multi-item distribution network design problems under volume discount on transportation cost.International Journal of Production Research,54(2), 426-443. Tseng, S. C., Hung, S. W. (2014). A strategic decision-making model considering the social costs of carbon dioxide emissions for sustainable supply chain management.Journal of environmental management,133, 315-322. Uniqlo.com (2017) Uniqlo About us Retrieved from: https://www.uniqlo.com/uk/en/home/ [Accessed on: 28-7-2017] Wensveen, J. G. (2016).Air transportation: A management perspective. Routledge. Zllner, J. (2015). Export from United Kingdom to Mexico. Critical Analysis of Complexity of International Trade.