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Educational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructive Change - Essay Example The USA government has put a ton in examination to better the training frameworks with the goal that i...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Back At The Fire M A Short Story - 1701 Words

Back at the fire nation docks run by commander Zhao. Zuko, Khai Li, and Iroh were currently listening to resent battle plans told by Zhao himself. He was facing a map of the world on the wall of the tent, showing all four nations and the various landmarks. Zuko had his back to Zhao still angered by having to be in the same tent as Zhao, Khai Li sitting next to him on his left trying to give him some sort of comfort for this situation, while Iroh was to the right side of the tent looking at the various spear-like weapons Zhao had collected. And by years end, the earth kingdom capital will be under our rule. Zhao concluded, turning to face them. the fire lord will finally claim victory in this war. If my father thinks the world will†¦show more content†¦Unless youve found some evidence that the Avatar is alive, Zhao replied, Zukos head shooting up from where he was looking. No, Zuko replied, looking away from Zhao once more. Nothing. Anything you would like to share Khai Li? Zhao asked. No, we havent found a thing. Khai Li replied quickly almost stuttering, trying to avoid Zhaos gaze while cursing to herself how stupid she sounded as Zhao turned back to Zuko. Prince Zuko, the avatar is the only one that can stop the fire nation from winning this war, Zhao informed, getting up from his chair where he had been sitting and walking closer to Zuko, getting in his face. If you have an ounce of Loyalty left, youll tell me what youve found. I havent found anything, Zuko shot back at him keeping his cool. Its like you said, the avatar probably died a long time ago, come on Khai Li, Uncle, were going, Zuko got up from his seat, walking forward, after bowing and saying her farewells to Zhao, Khai Li close behind Zuko when the guards inside of the tent pulled their weapons in Zukos path and two new guards grabbed Khai Li by her arms to keep her from attacking or moving, one of Zhaos subordinates walking forward into the tent, going past Zuko and Khai Li to get to the commanders side. Commander Zhao, we integrated the crew as you instructed. the subordinate said. And they confirmed Prince Zuko had the Avatar in his custody and allowed Khai Li toShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Nature In Jack Londons To Build A Fire1012 Words   |  5 PagesIn Jack Londons â€Å"To Build A Fire† the story follows a man and his dog in the Klondike and their obstacles of trying to get to the boys which are his compatriots. The story revolves around the winter and how mankind reacts to the wild. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Informational Report Influences of Social Networking

------------------------------------------------- Influences of Social NetworkinG Prepared for Susan Lear Department Manager Lear Industries Prepared by Sarah Napolitano Director of HR Lear Industries April 22, 2012 ------------------------------------------------- Influences of Social NetworkinG Prepared for Susan Lear Department Manager Lear Industries Prepared by Sarah Napolitano Director of HR Lear Industries April 22, 2012 April 22, 2012 Susan Lear Department Manager Lear Industries 21557 Telegraph Road Southfield, KS 67210 ------------------------------------------------- Dear Ms. Lear, Here is the report you requested on March 26, 2012 at our weekly department meeting, about†¦show more content†¦This defines the basic set up of social networking, a person creates an account to share with friends, co-workers and others which thus creating a network of people that’s spreads information. Many of you might be familiar with social networking sites which include websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. Usage and Impacts Usage of social media is becoming popular in the work place. William Baker, a professor of marketing at San Diego State University, surveyed 1,600 executives and found that firms that rely heavily on external social networks scored 24 percent higher on a measure of radical innovation than companies that don t (Swearingen). Online networking can provide us with tools such as market product, find new employees, and even find people to collaborate with. Social media impacts businesses in many different ways. It changes the way businesses recruit from finding qualified college student to experienced professionals. It also changed the world of marketing and branding making it easy and cheap to get the word out. Internally it impacts companies by providing them with a way to share the industry news in a fast and friendly way and gives companies the opportunity to build relationships with customers and partners. I would like to share with you an example of how social media influences businesses. This segment comes out of theShow MoreRelatedEssay Online Social Networking981 Words   |  4 PagesOnline Social Networking sites have been rapidly emerging over the past decade. They are changing the way people interact, make and break friendships, gossip and communicate. This essay will explore the extent to which social networking has re-defined social relationships and consider whether or not the impact of social networking is generationally specific. Online social networking could be defined in many ways depending on which book, article or journal you are reading. 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Social networking sites give their users an easy way to share information about themselves. However, many users are quickly finding that the information they intendRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Social Media 1334 Words   |  6 Pagestheir life on Twitter. There are those who believe that social networking sites are a waste of time. That they are a detriment to â€Å"real life† social relationships. But these platforms are more than just entertaining gateways. They have a deeper impact on our society than some are willing to admit. Just like everything in life, they have their pros and cons, but the benefits of social media far outweighs the later. Research show that social media does more good than bad for society, because it spreadsRead MoreWhat Is Social Media?1671 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Social Media? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Theological Foundations and the Liberal Artss Free Essays

Theological Foundations and the Liberal Arts Existence precedes essence. â€Å"Holmes, 3. † The exsistence of humans is valuable. We will write a custom essay sample on Theological Foundations and the Liberal Artss or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are here to fulfill what God has promised us. . A person is reflective thinking being. â€Å"youtube. com,3†We must look inside one’s self to know the truth of what God has planned for you, and looking outside yourself to make things whole. Christianity should be a part of life. Creation, the human person, truth and the cultural mandate are foundations of a Christian education. All creations are good because God has created everything and everything is perfect. The Christian college focuses on God’s creation of everything because all things are made by God. The human person is meant to serve God in every capacity in life and in education. That God mad us in His own image reminds us that in a vast universe that reflects God’s glory, humans are uniquely â€Å"crowned with glory and honor. † â€Å"Holmes, 15. † Everything we do as humans should be a reflection of God. All truths are all God’s truth, wherever it is found. Holmes, 17† If it is true in any subject then it is God’s truth. Learning and reasoning is meant to merge with Gods truth. Our role is to be ambassadors of Christ â€Å". Gnosticism doesn’t exist. Everyone had the power to know all. Lines between secular and sacred are nonexistence in a Christian. Secular colleges focus of education only. Secular colleges are only institutes for education . The rarely focus religion and are not faith based. Liberal educations at Christian colleges intermingle faith and education in every aspect of our lives. One’s entire self should be bettered in learning. Is the idea of a Christian college, then, simply to offer a good education plus biblical studies in an atmosphere of piety? â€Å"Holmes, 5† Caricatures of Christian college are often assumed to be a good education with prayer and bible study. Church or minister training is not a sole function. A distinctive Christian college integrates faith and learning. Every academic, sport, and extracurricular activity is based faith. Christian colleges take the act of learning and characteristics of faith and put them together. Christian colleges seek not compartmentalize aspects of Christian faith, but incorporate Christianity as a whole in student circle, training students to see all aspects of life as a Christian. There is no separation of faith and education. Liberal educations reinforce value of things and correctly places value upon things. To be reflective is to be analytic. â€Å"Holmes, 30. All that we are and do is to serve and reflect God. This is the purpose of our reflective value. How to cite Theological Foundations and the Liberal Artss, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Employment free essay sample

For each question, rate yourself according to the following scale: Please circle the number which best represents your answer: Now, compare your answers from your Initial Self Assessment. Ask yourself: Has any significant change been achieved? Evidence: When first completed the initial self-assessment, was unaware of any habits which I may have developed over the years which could affect my ability to succeed, I gave this a 5 on the scale. Since completing the assessment, I was able to identify my bad habits and problem areas thus allowing me to work towards eradicating them by practice and am now confident enough to score this a 1 . At the beginning of the semester I was apprehensive about working in groups and teams, the initial assessment eloped me recognize this and I was able to plan ahead and practice presentations well before the deadline in order to work cohesively with my peers, can now score this a 1, an improvement from my initial score of 4. Children are curious by nature and often place themselves in danger without realizing it. Children often investigate by touching, placing objects in their mouths and then sharing with others. These actions can cause lead poisoning to occur. Although the cost to replace the whistle is considerable, this is a small price in the long run. Our company will retain customers by providing customer satisfaction by replacing the faulty whistle. This will also save the company money in costly legal fees by facing our responsibilities now. Our company needs to ensure that we have identified all involved when considering our options. It would be remiss of our company to not consider the parents, dealers, and stakeholders with an interest in the company. Parents—trust our company to produce products that are safe Vendors—sell our company’s products and assume reliable construction Employees—rely on our company to sell products to continue to receive money for the work they have provided Investors—hold an interest in how the company’s actions and decisions affect employees, customers, and overall viability Options to Consider: Cost Monetary—Reproduction costs, fines, legal fees, litigation and income Vendor Relationships—strained relations, decrease in customer relationships Reputation—loss of customers Employment – layoffs Time Length—reproduction time, construct reputation and relationships Reasonable—ability to get products to customers Ethical Responsibility—employees, vendors, parents, children, investors Due diligence—don’t take risks, maintain ethical position, weigh all the options The options listed help define possible reasons for possible lawsuits and probable fines if the product is found defective. Our company needs to consider alternative options to fine a viable solution. Three options will be discussed in detail to be considered. Cost Considerations The yearly budget is not far from thought and to remain within budget we must consider the option of shipping the product as it stands now. The amount of lead was only slightly above the federal recommended guidelines. We would be able to get the product to our customer on time and without added cost. However, the children may be subjected to possible lead poisoning. Depending upon the extent of exposure, this could lead to detrimental side effects. This would leave the company open to the risk of legal action and may have a devastating effect on investors, employees and the company not to mention the children harmed. Legal action against our company would be costly. The fines can be as much as $100,000 per violation with $15,000,000 for a series of violations (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, 2008). We would most definitely have a series of violations, but more importantly our relationship with our customers would be damaged. The company’s reputation would be in tatters. Ethical Considerations Our company has a moral obligation to keep our customers safe. The code of ethics within our company is to be honest and provide protection to the children who play with our products. The overall cost to our company is how big of a risk are we willing to take. Our company needs to decide if business growth and profit is more important than the risk we would be taking in delivering those toys to children. Reproducing the whistles is ethically correct, however doing so will impact our vendors by missing out on peak sales. This may lead to other companies replacing our company and products, which will lead to overall revenue losses and possible employee layoffs. On the other hand, if we replace the defective whistles, parents will believe in our company because we ensure our products meet the federal guidelines for safety. This alone may increase revenue. Our company has a responsibility to meet the federal guidelines. This protects our company from costly fines and legal proceedings. Most importantly, we protect our customers—parent and children. Risk is good, but not when it can potentially kill children. Time Considerations Our company cannot dismiss time considerations when discussing the impact on business. We can dismiss the time consideration when we consider the risk of legal implications upon our business. First, our company can notify our vendors and customers that we plan to substitute a like item for the whistle in our elementary toy collection. This would allow us to move ahead with the current shipping date. This would cost considerably less than reproducing the whistle. Secondly, we can notify our vendors and customers that the whistle has been removed from the elementary toy collection and offer a credit towards future purchases. The company would still incur a monetary loss, but retain vendor and customer relations. Thirdly, the vendors and customers would have an option to wait for the whistle to be reproduced. Should the vendors and customers choose this option, we can reproduce the whistles, but reduce the overall number of whistles to be replaced. This would still cause the company to incur a monetary loss, but retain positive relationships with our vendors and customers. The options outlined are viable. We can maintain company integrity, provide protection to our company, employees, investors, and customers. Following federal recommended guidelines will secure our position in the business realm and provide longevity for all involved. Our company would take a risk by announcing the problem with the whistle, but we would be able to highlight our commitment to protect our customers. We would be able to convey we place safety over profit. This would help raise consumer confidence, avoid legal implications, and retain satisfied customers. Recommendation: Notification of our vendors and customers is the best option. We know how much lead is in our product and how much is considered safe per federal guidelines. We need to be honest in our business dealings and not take unethical risks for profit. We also need to find a cost effective material that has reduced lead readings to replace any future whistles. Our commitment to protect everyone involved cannot be taken lightly. We should begin notifying customers affected by this product and shipment. We should advise them the order must be changed and the circumstances that require this change. We should allow our customers to make an informed decision and then find out how they would wish to proceed. We would then be placing any liability into the customer’s hands, as we made every effort to right a wrong. This will help preserve our relationships with vendors and customers. As a company, we need to minimize risks that are ethically and legally wrong. We need to be socially responsible and have strong relationships with our employees, vendors, customers, and investors. Longevity is everything in business and by following these rules, our company will have vendors, customers, investors and employees who want to be there and not forced to be there. Moral, ethical, and responsibility are keywords within my own personal mantra. I believe striving to be morally, ethically and socially responsible helps have a positive impact on business and personal endeavors. These traits provide positive contributions both in business and society. I believe our company has strong moral and ethical values. Thus, we cannot allow this shipment to proceed. This would be hypocrisy and go against not only my own beliefs but the company’s code of ethics. I understand the cost is considerable to replace the toy, but by replacing the whistle we have an increased positive impact in our own company, customer base, investors, and employees. Finally, we are showing social responsibility and will set a standard in our industry as a leader. We cannot be a leader by taking unnecessary risks children’s lives.